Lately, many of us are rethinking the living spaces in our homes. While some have embarked on large-scale renovations, others have chosen to transform their current space, sometimes giving rooms new functions, or multiple functions. Multi-purpose spaces are especially practical in small apartments and condos. Here are some inspirational design ideas for creating a multi-function space in your home.

Create distinct areas
The idea behind multi-purpose spaces is to make them both practical and pleasant. Get the most from your room to meet your needs while giving it a new look. One quick way to do so is by painting one wall area a separate colour to define the space for a particular function, within the room.
When combining a bathroom and laundry room, our collaborator Justine Brouillette (@justinebrouill) painted an arch on the wall behind the vanity mirror in Sico Deserted Beach (6230-21).

Set the mood
Think about your room’s colour scheme when designing your space, choosing paint colours based on the mood you want to create. Select hues that complement each other and are easy on the eyes. For example, create a Zen mood with Sico Baltic Sky (6158-11) and Monashee Mountains (6205-63). This winning duo is a great way to separate your room into two distinct areas.

Multi-purpose possibilities
Is it better to combine your kids’ play space with an office or the living room or a bedroom? Any option can work. It’s all a matter of space and possibilities available in each room.
Our collaborator Vanessa Béland (@fleurmason) built a little nook just for her daughter in her living room. To create visual separation, she painted a square accent wall in Sico Millet Seed (6113-32).

It’s your turn
Now that you’ve got the basics of multi-purpose spaces down, it’s time to choose which room you want to transform!
Here’s another example for inspiration. Our collaborator Rebecca Heart (@imrebeccaheart) made a dramatic change in her spare bedroom by painting all the walls in Sico Grayly (1735-503) and adding an attractive desk space.