How To Fix Slow Drying Paint
Even after waiting the proper amount of time, your paint still doesn't look or feel dry. Here's what's going on and how to fix it.
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Coatings that have been stored for too long.
Storing at excessive temperatures.
Surface contaminated with grease, wax or soap. Water-based coatings will not adhere to such substances. Grease will penetrate the film of solvent-based coatings, producing a sticky surface that does not dry.
Too cold or too humid temperatures.
Lack of ventilation.
Coating applied too generously.
Application of a quick-dry varnish on a different type of varnish.
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In the case of varnishes, apply an additional coat. If results are not satisfactory, remove coating and paint again.
Clean surface, remove coating and apply new coating.
Remove coating, clean surface and apply new coating.
Heat the room(s) and make sure that the temperature of the surfaces to be painted is the same as room temperature
Ventilate the room(s).
Let varnishes dry for a longer period. If « spikes » appear, strip and sand surface, then apply new varnish.
Clean surface, remove coating and apply new coating.
Do not use paints stored at excessive temperatures. Excessive temperatures cause additives, essential to proper drying, to evaporate. Store containers at temperatures ranging between 4° C and 26° C (40° F and 80° F).