How to fix uneven paint appearance
An uneven paint job can appear unsightly, messy and unprofessional. Often it is caused at no fault of your own, but by certain circumstances such as temperature or product type.
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Paint poorly shaken.
Porous surfaces poorly sealed. Glossy paints tend to emphasize surface defaults.
Uneven surface.
Uneven spreading.
Application of one paint coat only.
Substrate affected by dew, rain or humidity during the drying time. In such conditions,
Solid colour coatings become flat, and transparent coatings become whitish or greyish.
Temperature variation during drying process.
Lap marks resulting from a failure to maintain a wet edge (exceeding product’s drying time).
Touch up made on a dried painted surface.
Changes of tools during application - brush vs. roller.
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Clean and sand the surface, then suck up any dust. Apply a new coat of coating.
Apply a base coat on the substrate before applying the finishing product.
Also for causes 4-10: Clean and sand the surface, then suck up any dust. Apply a new coat of coating.
Mix paint with a stirring stick down to the bottom of the container.
Apply a base coat to obtain a uniform surface.
Make sure that the panels are straight and properly lined up, and that the joints are straight and even.
Apply paint uniformly.
Apply two finishing coats to ensure evenness.
Allow the product to dry for 2 to 3 hours before any sign of rain or dew. Comply with the application temperature recommended for this product.
To avoid visible lap marks, maintain a wet edge by applying paint toward the unpainted area and then back into the just painted area.
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