To achieve greatness… You need to start with the best.
From our longest-lasting washable paint to tough paint that stands up to the busiest of households, our best paints are the value, quality and performance that life needs.

Our very best paint
SICO CLEAN SURFACE™ long-lasting, super premium interior paint plus primer is formulated with award winning◆ Clean Surface Technology™ to repel the most difficult stains. Exceptionally resistant to stains, scuffs and unsightly marks from cleaning and abrasions. Stains simply wash away with all purpose cleaners.
See how this long-lasting paint finish sets a new standard for stain repellency and washability.

Over 1,000 one-coat hide* colours
The 1,000 true one-coat hide* colours of SICO PRESTIGE™ stain-blocking, super premium interior paint plus primer cover existing paint colours in a single coat. Plus, Colour Protect Technology based on PPG automotive coatings technology helps prevent colours from fading.
Learn more about the one-coat hide, stain-blocking wonder of this premium interior paint.

Ultra-smooth enamel for trim, doors, cabinetry & more
SICO 360™ nterior/exterior enamel delivers an unbelievably smooth and durable finish to trim, doors, cabinetry and more, ideal for professional use and experienced DIY painters alike.
Learn more about this hard-wearing, protective finish

Tough, resilient finish
SICO ENDURANCE™ premium interior paint plus primer is THE Sico paint for active, busy households and commercial properties. A dependable, durable interior paint choice for DIY painters, residential repainters and professionals alike, at home and for commercial and multi-family maintenance.
Learn more about this interior paint that is resilient and tough enough to stand up to heavy-use areas.

Wall-to-wall performance
SICO VIRTUO™ combines what’s most important in a quality paint and primer – a high-hide, durable finish with great coverage.
Learn more about this zero VOC** interior paint primer.

All-around affordable performance
With a formulation that represents over 80 years of know-how, research and development, SICO CLASSIC™ interior paint plus primer is an all-around, very good performer at an affordable price.
Discover this interior paint suitable for projects all around the house.

Reliable durability
High-quality, professional grade, zero-VOC** SICO Plus™ interior paint offers high-hiding and coverage, excellent touch-up and a uniform finish.
Discover why this paint is a good choice for occupied settings.
◆ Clean Surface Technology is a 2020 winner of a global R&D 100 Award.
* Only when tinted to colours from the Sico One-Coat Colour Palette. Certain colour changes, applications on porous substrates and differences in painting skills might require additional coats.
** Colourants added to this paint may increase VOC level significantly depending on colour choices.