SICO® Kitchen and Bathroom Interior Paint

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Product Details

100% acrylic water-based paint with soft gloss specially recommended for kitchen and bathroom walls, ceilings and woodwork. Provides excellent protection against stains and mold.


  • Contains a preservative which is mildew resistant
  • Stain resistant
  • Ultra-washable and scrubbable
Code Finish Base Sizes Download
163501 Low Sheen Eggshell White & Pastel Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), Quart/946 mL (04)
163502 Low Sheen Eggshell Midtone/Intermediate Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), Quart/946 mL (04)
163503 Low Sheen Eggshell Neutral/Ultradeep/Accent/Clear Gallon/3.78 L (01), Quart/946 mL (04)
163504 Low Sheen Eggshell YELLOW BASE Gallon/3.78 L (01)
163505 Low Sheen Eggshell RED BASE Gallon/3.78 L (01)
163550 Low Sheen Eggshell Ready Mix White Gallon/3.78 L (01), Quart/946 mL (04)